Grow your business with OpenTalent for Recruiters software.

Win new clients, grow a trusted brand, save time and improve productivity with dedicated software for freelance recruiters.

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Verification required
OpenTalent's Independent Recruiter program helps recruiters across Europe to grow their business-of-one through new revenue streams, simplified sourcing and brand building.

Everything you need in one place:

Revenues unlocked

Access our powerful platform to boost your income. Get listed on our marketplace to earn Finder Fees (min. €2.000 per placement). Build your own talent community for companies to subscribe to. Or get booked as a recruiter directly from your personal landing page.

Within the first 7 days, we'll get you to source on the first open roles.

Join the program and access powerful tools to boost your income. Get listed on our marketplace to earn Finder Fees (min. €2,000 per placement). Build your own talent community for companies to subscribe to. Or get booked as a recruiter directly from your personal landing page.
Join the program to access OpenTalent's cutting-edge Talent Management system with built-in Talent Pooling and Applicant Tracking to close roles faster and manage candidates easier. Included is direct access to OpenTalent's community with 40.000+ vetted professionals.

Sourcing made easy

Get access to OpenTalent's cutting-edge platform with built-in Talent Pooling and Applicant Tracking System to close your roles faster and manage candidates with ease. Included is direct access to OpenTalent's community with 40.000+ vetted professionals, for you to hire directly.

Within the first 7 days, we'll help you to launch your Talent Pool.

Personal brand building

Get listed on our specialist recruiter marketplace and receive a personalised online profile, similar to recruiters like Jessica, Andres and David. Showcase your expertise, share relevant information, and build trust with potential clients to attract new opportunities from one place.

Within the first 7 days, we'll get you listed on the marketplace.

As part of the program, you'll be listed on our recruiter marketplace with a personalised online profile, like Jessica, Andres and David. Showcase your expertise, share relevant information, and build trust with potential clients to expand your brand and attract new opportunities from one place.

Join thousands of recruiters across Europe
thriving with

Secure your spot today

We understand what freelance recruiters want, which is why we built OpenTalent for Recruiters. Now, scaling your business-of-one is as easy as 1-2-3.

We understand the value independent recruiters provide, which is why we created Europe's largest recruiter marketplace. Now, scaling your business is as easy as 1-2-3.

Getting started is easy.

Apply to access OpenTalent. Once verified, our team will set you up from A to Z.

Fill in your application to reserve your spot.


Fill in your application to
reserve your spot.

Meet our team and get verified as a recruiter.

Intake call

Meet our team and get
verified as a recruiter.

Get your account and start growing your biz.

Get started

Get your account and
start growing your biz.

Want to join OpenTalent?

Activate your account today

Trusted by recruiters all across Europe

"OpenTalent has revolutionized the way we source candidates. The specialized talent pools have significantly improved our efficiency and success rate.The support from OpenTalent has been phenomenal. Their team is always available to assist and ensure that we are making the most out of their platform."

Snehal Badhiye 🇳🇱

"Open Talent Platform is a true gamechanger. It has significantly improved the speed and efficiency of our recruitment processes. It is extremely user-friendly. Its intuitive design and simple navigation make it easy to find exactly the professionals that perfectly match our specific needs."

David van Kasteel 🇳🇱

"OpenTalent has revolutionized our candidate sourcing with specialized talent pools, significantly boosting our efficiency and success rate. The recruiter marketplace has effortlessly connected us with top-notch candidates, truly transforming our recruitment strategy."

Khyati Seth 🇬🇧

"Opentalent is a cool place if you have some free time to make additional money. Clients are replying very fast, financial rewards are fair as well. You are very flexible and can work anytime you want + you can build your own community of candidates wich provides additional financial benefits in case if some other independent recruiter makes placement of your candidate"

Marian Zumr 🇨🇿
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Frequently Asked Questions

What benefits do I get with OpenTalent for Recruiters subscription?

With OpenTalent for Recruiters subscription you can start building your talent pool, collaborate with other recruiters to close your roles faster, and get listed in the Recruiter Marketplace to acquire new clients.

How much does the subscription cost?

You can subscribe to OpenTalent for Recruiters for €49 / Month for 1 user access. You can cancel the subscription any time

How do I subscribe to OpenTalent for Recruiters?

You can apply to join the platform by clicking the link provided on the landing page. After your profile is verified, someone from OpenTalent will reach out to you with a subscription link for the next steps.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

You can cancel the subscription anytime. Your candidate and job-related data will be stored at OpenTalent for up to 3 months after cancellation. After that, your account database will be permanently deleted from the system.

What if I have more questions about OpenTalent for Recruiters?

If you have more questions about OpenTalent for Recruiters, please visit our detailed Q&A section at

Want to learn more about the program?

Find more information here
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Prefer to speak to someone? Book a call with an expert.

Book a 15-minute discovery call